Wednesday, September 18, 2024

In The Age Of AI


  • What about privacy, pros and cons?

The pros to all things AI is that it does make the world more efficient. You are able to do things or just a robot do something else for you, however, the unfortunate aspect to that is the robot could eventually one day do your job. An example of this in the video is a guy who has lived in his hometown all his life and the video shows him driving down and explaining all of the stores and places that used to be present and active, are now either boarded up or are planned to eventually be taken down. A negative result of this is that poverty arose in that specific area significantly. Now, he is trying to give back to the community. The privacy that was concerned was that in the video in Asia, people have the option to pay with their faces or if the person does something bad they can be caught. This is good for when it is used correctly, however there always is going to be a bad apple who will use that information to potentially stalk someone. 

  • What about national security?

National security runs down the same line as privacy concerns. The main reason why the government and other higher uo agencies have these kinds of things implemented is because of safety reasons. However, sometimes that information is kept secretly and tucked away or it could be used for someone who is not actually doing something against the law. 

  • What about online security and identity theft?

Like I have previously mentioned before, the use of using your face or finger print as a way of security could be taken advantage of and used to track how well that content works, but that information gets put that could in turn jeopardize someone's life potentially. The face ID could make you so much more identifiable of that information gets into the wrong hands, basically. 

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