Thursday, August 22, 2024

Where do I get my news from?

Where I get my news from...

Actual News Programs: 

Women's Wear Daily and The Washington Times 

Online Sources:

Apple News, Instagram and Twitter. 

What am I consuming with these sources? 

- I am consuming a bunch of movies, music, fashion and lifestyle articles and news. 

What do you consume for WWD? 

For Women's Wear Daily, I consume a lot of feminine based clothing items. Lots of articles that I read are on what the current trends are for the season or even the next. Of course, there is always fashion week, so I always look forward to reading about what each high end or designer brand has done. I mainly read stuff on there because I am a fashion minor and feel like it is important to me to read up as to what is going on in the fashion world. 

What do you consume on Washington Times? 

Mainly for me on Washington Times, I consume a bunch of headlines. Recently, its been about the upcoming election. I also have been reading a few freelance articles such as health and lifestyle. I've been reading also a few music articles, so I am an avid concert attendee which I feel like adds up as to what I do in my free time as well as media consumption. 

What about Apples News? 

Apple News is interesting in the sense that it brings in The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Washington Times and into one app. This is honestly a great way to get unbiased, hard, cold facts by reading the same article through a bunch of different news outlets. I like the versatility of this, however the subscription pop up does, indeed, have a chokehold on me. I feel like this is the main reason why a lot of people in society go towards social media instead of legitiment news outlets because of how most of them are subscription based. 

Instagram & Twitter:

Social media is a very, simple and quick way to get news, however the unfortunate thing is that most of the time the news is false. This makes it extremely difficult to actual read something and believe it, but then again, there are tabloids who also do the similar thing. I mainly consume headlines and local news from my hometown on Instagram and Twitter. A few of the newspaper I read are student run, especially my old high school newspaper I used to work for -- it's always interesting to see what they are up to. 

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