Thursday, August 29, 2024

All About Theories


A theory that personally resonates with me is the Promote Innovation theory. This theory I feel like I am super passionate about within the moment because I am in the creative field and will be, hopefully, after my time here at HPU. I want to be able to express myself in all sorts of media- rather than graphic design, a drawing, a poster that's hung up in classrooms. I want to be able to mark my word and have expressive creativity throughout all mediums. If one is able to express themselves to the full extent it makes humanity more so of a unique society. The world would be simply boring without any sort of creative people within it. Art makes people be able to express themselves from the inside to whatever extent they would want to. 

One that I feel like feels more important and in action today is the Stable Change theory. Which basically discusses how nowadays it is super simple to express your opinion on a "controversial issue." People need a safe space to be able to vent, express, yell their words out even if it is something that comes up on your Twitter timeline, that you personally disagree with. An article I found in The Washington Times talks about current events which could be taken. Such as, you disagree with what is going on in Ukraine or you genuinely feel like it is okay. Or you want Kamala Harris to win this upcoming election or you Donald Trump too. It just depends on the person's political values and moral alignment. You should be able to express what you feel even if it makes you, the reader, frustrated or angry. Just because you disagree with something, does not mean it is automatically hate speech either. There are threats, just opinions. If the government were to limit this, all chaos would suddenly ensue. There could be more violence if people were not allowed to express themselves the way that they do on these platforms. The violence could therefore lead to innocent people losing their lives and therefore creating more of a stir within society. The first amendment protects your right to say these things, however, having a violence after taste in your Tweet could potentially place you in court or even worse, jail. Overall, having an outlet rather than social media, a journal, a friend, a piece of art, is all worth for the sanity of people themselves. 

Finally, one that feels personal to me is Individual Self-Fulfillment. Everyone should be able to meet the basic needs (referencing Maslow's Pyramid in this instance). All people, no matter who you are, deserve to have all of the first four, one-hundred percent locked in. However, it is up to the individual to have a time, place and period as to when they are able to officially reach their higher self. I feel like in recent years, especially with women's autonomy, it is something that should be up to the woman themselves rather than the government controlling what is going on. Being able to have the abilities to take a specific course of action can benefit humans themselves becoming more efficient and kind. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court Blog


  • I learned that a lot of the time that the Supreme Court or the government in general does a lot of things that they are not supposed to be doing. Such as, being 35 trillion dollars in debt because of supplying weapons and sending people away to wars that we aren't supposed to be a part of. Also, just a traditional fact is that a typical Supreme Court Judge has a 16 year service, which I did not know there was a statistic to that. 

    • What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

    - An important takeaway is that the Supreme Court is quiet about what they do. They do not suddenly make an announcement, they host their meetings amongst themselves and then eventually word gets out if it is important enough for the public to know about. This also can go about why there are artists who paint out the court case, for the privacy of the witnesses, jury and everyone else in that room. If a bunch of journalists were allowed in a room with cameras and questions, it could cause chaos inside and outside of the court. 

    • What was the most surprising thing you learned?

    - What was most surprising to me was that at one point the First Amendment was questioned and that having an opinion that could potentially jeopardize the government was seen extremely differently than it is now. Another article of information I found surprising was that the case called Marbury Versus Madison really made what the Supreme Court is today. That the government has the right to find laws that are considered unconstitutional and therefore remove them to make more sense of the government around them. Another thing that I find interesting is that there was a court case between a slave, Dredd Scott, who claimed his freedom within Congress, but then a judge named Roger Brooke Tanley but congress said that the court had no right to ban slavery. This was later resolved by the Civil War. 

Notes on the history of government
My Notes From The Lecture

  • How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
- This video changed my way I think about the Supreme Court by having a sense of understanding as to what they do. Prior, I was confused as to what they do, don't do and other history I found vital. For example, the vitality of judicial review and a good definition of this is: the power of court to review all actions by all departments of government and determine them unconstitutional or not. Overall, I feel a lot more educated on the Supreme Court now than I did a few days ago. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Where do I get my news from?

Where I get my news from...

Actual News Programs: 

Women's Wear Daily and The Washington Times 

Online Sources:

Apple News, Instagram and Twitter. 

What am I consuming with these sources? 

- I am consuming a bunch of movies, music, fashion and lifestyle articles and news. 

What do you consume for WWD? 

For Women's Wear Daily, I consume a lot of feminine based clothing items. Lots of articles that I read are on what the current trends are for the season or even the next. Of course, there is always fashion week, so I always look forward to reading about what each high end or designer brand has done. I mainly read stuff on there because I am a fashion minor and feel like it is important to me to read up as to what is going on in the fashion world. 

What do you consume on Washington Times? 

Mainly for me on Washington Times, I consume a bunch of headlines. Recently, its been about the upcoming election. I also have been reading a few freelance articles such as health and lifestyle. I've been reading also a few music articles, so I am an avid concert attendee which I feel like adds up as to what I do in my free time as well as media consumption. 

What about Apples News? 

Apple News is interesting in the sense that it brings in The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Washington Times and into one app. This is honestly a great way to get unbiased, hard, cold facts by reading the same article through a bunch of different news outlets. I like the versatility of this, however the subscription pop up does, indeed, have a chokehold on me. I feel like this is the main reason why a lot of people in society go towards social media instead of legitiment news outlets because of how most of them are subscription based. 

Instagram & Twitter:

Social media is a very, simple and quick way to get news, however the unfortunate thing is that most of the time the news is false. This makes it extremely difficult to actual read something and believe it, but then again, there are tabloids who also do the similar thing. I mainly consume headlines and local news from my hometown on Instagram and Twitter. A few of the newspaper I read are student run, especially my old high school newspaper I used to work for -- it's always interesting to see what they are up to. 

Anti-War Post

The reasoning behind not hearing about these websites is because the mainstream media and news services simply do not want to portray the go...